Franklin House Dental Practice

Same Day Emergency

Terms & Conditions

Treatment plans

A treatment plan estimate will be provided at an exam or consultation.
If this plan changes due to radiographic or clinical findings we will inform you and discuss this with you.
We will ask you to sign your estimate as part of your informed consent for treatment.
Treatment plans are valid for 90 days from the date the treatment was prescribed. If you have any queries regarding your treatment plan please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Consent forms

Certain treatments require completion of consent forms. This is in order to explain the treatment, risks and aftercare before any of these treatments are carried out


Franklin House Dental Practice does not operate a credit account system and we require fees to be settled at the appointment that treatment is provided.

Where treatment incurs a laboratory fee at least 50% of the total fee is due at the appointment where impressions are taken.
Fees for certain treatments like 6 month smile (Adult orthodontics)
are taken in staged payments at each visit.

Franklin House does not accept any payments by cheque.

Franklin Hose has the right to charged time based deposits for booking future appointments.

All the fees applied from any form of Dental Treatment at the clinic are based on, the materials used, laboratory cost incurred ( if applicable) and the clinical time spent, these costs can be found on your prescribed treatment plan

Late cancellations & missed appointments

In these circumstances other patients are deprived of seeing the dental surgeon. We reserve the right to charge the cost of lost clinical time for appointments that are missed or not cancelled with at least 24hours notice.
Franklin house will charge £10 per every 10 minutes missed.

Personal Medical details

It is essential that Franklin House have a full and up to date medical history, this includes a list of any medication you may take, it is the patient’s responsibility to ensure these details are correct and up to date.

Contact details

Please ensure if you have a change of address or phone number that you let us know, it is the patients responsibility to ensure these details are kept up to date

How can we help?
Please fill out the form and we'll be in touch

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This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
For Dental Emergencies call 01634 853030 at 8:30am
How can we help?
Please fill out the form and we'll be in touch!

I would like to

I would like to book:(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
For Dental Emergencies call 01634 853030 at 8:30am