Franklin House Dental Practice

Same Day Emergency

Nervous Patients

The Franklin Road Dental Practice in the Twentieth Century.

Dental phobia and fear of the dentist

Dental phobia is a serious condition that affects a large proportion of the population that does not regularly see a dentist. Many people are so fearful or anxious about visiting the dentist that they let their oral health suffer as a result.

It is important to see a dentist regularly so that they can assess and deal with problems before they become painful. With modern dentistry, there are many techniques and methods to help overcome your anxieties and make your dental experience comfortable and even enjoyable!

Why are people phobic or fearful of the dentist?

There are several reasons why people are phobic about visiting the dentist. It may be something as simple as the clinical smell of a dental practice that puts people off or a previous bad experience.

Previous negative experience – you may have had a bad experience in the past that has put you off going to the dentist. This may be due to a painful procedure, a phobia of needles, or even a personality conflict with a dentist or dental staff.

  • Rest assured that you are not alone: there are many millions of people that suffer from dental phobia.
  • Are you embarrassed about your oral health and the condition of your teeth and gums?
  • You may have neglected your oral health and your teeth over the years and are embarrassed about visiting your dentist for fear of what they might think or say to you.
  • You may have a fear of dental instruments being placed in your mouth. This may trigger a gag reflex or cause an anxious feeling where you find it difficult to breathe.
  • Unsympathetic dentists – you may have had an experience with a dentist who was not sympathetic to your needs and concerns, and this has put you off going back to see a dentist.

You may have a fear due to the stereotype of dentists on the TV, in the press or amongst friends and family. If you haven’t been to a dentist before, it may simply be a fear of the unknown.

You may fall into one of the categories above or have several reasons for your dental phobia, but the first step you can make in overcoming this fear is to recognise it and know that something can be done about it. There are several ways in which many dentists will try to help you overcome your anxieties, and many things that you yourself can do. These include:

Using a pain-free injection technique – before giving an injection, your dentist can apply a numbing gel (topical anaesthetic) to your gums. Giving the injection slowly reduces the pressure and causes less pain. Some dentists will talk to you whilst giving the injection to distract you from the anxiety of having an injection.

Here at Franklin House Dental Practice we will do our best to relax and give you a pleasant patient journey throughout your visit.

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