Franklin House Dental Practice

Same Day Emergency

Meet the team

Sarah-Jayne Rayner

Sarah has been working at Franklin House since July 1996

She started working as a dental nurse straight from school

Sarah worked part time when she started at Franklin House and has worked her way up to being the Practice Manager since 2007.

She loves the interaction with patients and is always welcoming on the phone and on reception.

She prides herself in getting to know each patient and recognising them by sight and on the telephone.

In her spare time she likes reading, watching football – especially Gillingham FC and walking her Westies- Maisie and Hugo

Practice Manager

“I love my job and couldn’t imagine working anywhere else”

How can we help?
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For Dental Emergencies call 01634 853030 at 8:30am
How can we help?
Please fill out the form and we'll be in touch!

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For Dental Emergencies call 01634 853030 at 8:30am