Franklin House Dental Practice

Same Day Emergency

Meet the team

our doctors

Dr Rod King BDS London

Rod qualified in December 1983 at ” The Royal London Hospital”

He has been working at Franklin House since 1995.

He has a very gentle and empathic manner, helping patients feel immediately at ease.

He is very experienced in all aspects of dentistry and has a keen interest in endodontics. Rod is a Post graduate trainer for newly qualified dentists and keeps upto date with new techniques.

His outside interests: Keen sports enthusiast and enjoys Running, Cycling, Windsurfing and watching his beloved Rugby

Position Dentist

“I genuinely love helping people and get pleasure out of making their dental care a pleasant experience”

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For Dental Emergencies call 01634 853030 at 8:30am
How can we help?
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For Dental Emergencies call 01634 853030 at 8:30am